They master the art of asking for money to strangers.

Who We Are and What We Do
We see elderlies and childred in Bali suffering and want to do something about it.
Grace, Indri, Gung Dian & Karina have something in common. It brings pain to our hearts when we see the elderly suffering in the streets of Bali. Instead of sitting idly by, we decided to do something about it. There are far too many people who simply do not have the resources to cover their basic needs. How can we sit back and watch this happen without doing something? In April 2020, we decided to make a difference and began bringing food directly to the elderly. We have seen first-hand how thankful people are to see care and compassion from their neighbors. Thousands of people need our help. Our goal is to help as many as we can.
Picture : Gung Dian, Grace & Indri at a family house with disabled children.
Bali Street Kids
Don't let the color fool you, It's not a cheerful color. The picture above was taken when we visited a community in Denpasar, where parents employ their children to ask money to strangers. They are happy kids, they love working, the saddest part is that they see the streets as their future. They grow up on the street, they never have a formal education, and they are life-long trained to master the art of begging.
Some may say they are part of a criminal gang or a beggar syndicate.
We don't see criminal gangs when we visited them, we don't see drug addicts, we don't see human trafficking, we see desperate irresponsible parents employing their children to make a living. It's horrible, what we can do to help is to give them understanding that there's a better future, that education is important to improve the life of the children.
They are children. The same like other innocent children.
Elderly who moved to Bali when they were young don't have ID. They don't belong to the system preventing them get help from the government. They survive because of compassion, their neighbors share food and shelters. It's only $30 a month for basic food staples, neighbors will help cook and take care of them.
We visit them and give basic food staples. Sometimes we pass clothes and medication from generous people. Simple things bring them joy. See our video below when we visited Mbah Kucing, a lady who live with street cats, which need no cat food or a vet.
How We Help
We distribute food to people in need. Did you know that Rp. 200.000 (US $15 or AUD $19) can feed someone for 2 weeks? We carefully choose basic food materials (5 kg of rice, a bottle of cooking oil, sugar, noodles, soap and other necessities), pack them in a bag, and distribute the packages one-by-one to people who desperately need our help.
We help with teaching core moral values including : honesty, kindness, responsibility, and fairness. We teach them literacy and numeracy, and to give them understanding the importance of education for better future. Street life in Bali is no joke. Children live on the street since they were carried in a piece of cotton sling until they are ready to be trained as a beggar.

5kg of rice will feed a typical Balinese for 2 weeks.

We hand-deliver packages since most areas cannot be accessed by car.
Legal Entity
In October 2020, we take our activities to the next step to become a charitable foundation registered in Bali, Indonesia. We raised over US$50,000 in less than 6 months as a friend project. Becoming a non-profit organization we hope to reach more donors to help more elderlies and children. Check out our legal formation certificate below, there is a QR code to verify the document with the government :
Yayasan Hope For Bali
is founded in Bali, certificate of formation number (click for detail) :
AHU-0020104.AH.01.04. Year 2020
Ministry of Law & Human Rights of Republic Indonesia
We seek out people who need our help and make sure they get it.

We want to help as many people as we can. Please help spread the word.

Contact Us
Whatsapp : +6281139619850
Bali, Indonesia
Yayasan Hope For Bali don't have an office yet, we operate from our house. Please contact us for detail of address.